Architectural pattern - Naked object.

Background –

This model is very close to MVC (model-view-controller) architectural pattern. I would recommend you to read MVC first if you have no idea about it. MVC is very nice for any complex application, but when you are dealing with a real time system where user is interested to monitor some specific objects, then implementing it through necked object will be easy. Please look at below mentioned diagram.

(This diagram of MVC is taken from free internet sources)

(This diagram of naked object is taken from free internet source)

I am sure that above mentioned diagrams would have given you a good insight of what naked object is and how it is different from MVC, but let us talk some example so that it gets clear.

Example 1, think about an ATC (air traffic controller) who manage air traffic of airport, through switching on and off the lights on runway, so that flight shall land and reach to its destination safely. Without giving proper light indications to pilot, it will be nearly impossible to control air traffic, and how pilot will know in which runway he supposed to land and other important information to have a safe landing? Now what controller sees in his screen is status of lights (On, Off, faulty) and take actions according to situation. So no need to apply any complex architectures or MVC model to build such application, as the very bottom layer is physical entity which is an object itself, one light is nothing but one object and user (controller) is interested to look the status of that object and want to change the status of that object directly, there should not be any extra cross component is required to execute any business logic.

Example 2, When you ride your car or bike, you will see many indications at your front panel, they shows warnings and notifications about your vehicle’s current condition, status about fuel, battery, seat belt, oil etc..

Most of the controlling systems are like that, their business logic is straight forward, each small entity is one object and we are monitoring the status of those objects. So it is single-entity-direct-user-interaction case and this kind of situation is best for naked object implementation or in other words this will implement object oriented user interface (OOUI). It is like you are seeing fish in aquarium, crystal clear and direct, no extra layer, just transparent glass and clean water, just like naked object.

About naked design pattern –

In this architecture, UI is directly representing underlying objects. All business logic has to be encapsulated within your object. As name suggest user sees each single object direct or naked, it should have all necessary login in it, as that object itself is responsible to processing its own data. 

Thanks for reading it. To read more on design patterns and basic design principles please see my web page. You can also join me on FB or on G++. Please drop comments for any question related to this blog.


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