Architectural style -> Adoptable system -> Reflection.

Background - We have discussed very less about reflection, especially if you are C, C++, mainframe, LSI developer and working on server side implementation or in low level hardware-interaction development team. But it is very popular among high level languages like JAVA, Scala, C#, Python etc, many languages have implemented reflection in it. It gives you flexibility to do things dynamically (at run-time). After working closely with different clients, you will get a clear understanding that no one is as confusing as a software client, not even your girlfriend! So we should have a flexible architecture in place who can absorb shocks of client’s last moment changes. Not only that, sometimes we have N number of different behaviors and structure in place, and we want our application to behave differently depending upon run-time situations. Let’s build understanding step by step through an example. Think you have got an assignment where you have to build an app...